Our process!

We will assess your drive for free and provide you with a firm estimate. No surprises! Most of our competitors charge you extra for an evaluation and working on the hard drive immediately. We don’t, we will assess your hard drive and provide you with an estimate in a timely manner.

When data loss happens, recovery is possible.

Source: GeekWorldNews (2013/7/6 Published). Technology behind data recovery software. Retrieved from URL.

    Data loss facts

  • 93% organizations

    went out of business within one year after being hit by a disaster. The businesses without a disaster recovery plan immediately filed for bankruptcy.

  • 94% of businesses

    who faced catastrophic data loss came to a grinding halt. 435 of these businesses never started again.

  • 77% of organizations

    who never cared for testing their tape backups met backup failures.

  • 25% of home users

    keeping their data on PCs experience data loss every year.


    Contributors to data loss

  • Hardware failure

    Make sure you have a back up in place otherwise hard drive failure could be just around the corner.

  • Software corruption

    The leading cause of software corruption is software defects. These types can manifest undetected for a long time and cause serious damage.

  • Human error

    From accidental deletion of files to forcing machines to quit or re-boot.

  • Computer viruses

    Of all the threats, this is the most serious.

Take the first step
to getting your data back

  • We test each read/write head and turn off failing heads.
  • We can reduce or increase the amount of data read.
  • We can reduce or increase the read time.
  • Plus much more.

Call Now!

Its NOT to late!

Our technicians are fast, efficient and cost effective. RecoveredBytes uses special data recovery hardware and software to take control of the failing hard drive. In most cases we can recover your data without cleanroom repairs saving you both time and money.

Schedule your hard drive service today!
